What Does The Recent Development in The Social Media Safety Act Mean for Parents?

What Does The Recent Development in The Social Media Safety Act Mean for Parents?

In the ever-evolving world of technology, every parent’s fear is their children becoming too attached to the internet and potentially meeting someone dangerous on social media. Arkansas legislatures have recognized this too, ultimately enforcing S.B. 396, or The Social Media Safety Act, which requires minors to get consent from their parents to create social media accounts. There have recently been new developments, so next, we’ll dive into what this means for Arkansas parents. 

ExxonMobil’s Lithium Exploration: What Every Smackover Resident Should Know

ExxonMobil’s Lithium Exploration: What Every Smackover Resident Should Know

In November 2023, Exxon Mobil Corporation announce it’s diving into the world of lithium by drilling its first lithium well right here in Arkansas. Exxon’s goal is to become the go-to supplier for electric vehicles by 2030. 

Navigating Thanksgiving in Arkansas with Shared Custody

Navigating Thanksgiving in Arkansas with Shared Custody

It feels like Halloween was just yesterday, but the season of gratitude is already here. As Thanksgiving approaches, families throughout Arkansas are gearing up to cook homemade meals and spend time with family — although this isn’t the case for everybody. 

How to Find and Choose the Right Appeals Lawyer in Arkansas

How to Find and Choose the Right Appeals Lawyer in Arkansas

Appealing a court decision in Arkansas can feel like a daunting and intricate process. Whether you’re entangled in a civil or criminal case, having the right appellate attorney in your corner is vital. 

An appeal is a legal process where a higher court reviews a decision made by a lower court to ensure it’s fair and just. Appellate law calls for a specialized skill set, making it crucial to find an attorney who can adeptly advocate for your interests. 

Next, we’ll guide you through the essential steps to help you discover and choose the perfect appeals lawyer, also called an appellate attorney, in Arkansas.

It’s Military Family Appreciation Month. Are You Dealing With Parental Alienation?

It’s Military Family Appreciation Month. Are You Dealing With Parental Alienation?

November is the time we set aside to honor the families of our service members. It’s a chance for us to show our appreciation for all the sacrifices they make, from long deployments to moving around a lot, and the emotional toll of being separated from loved ones.

Child Support FAQs

Do I have to pay child support if we have joint custody?

In many cases, if the parties share joint custody neither will be required to pay support. However, this is NOT a given. The court may require child support even in joint custody cases. The courts can deviate and reduce the amount in a joint custody situation. The child support guidelines generally consider it “joint custody” where each parent has at least 141 nights with the child. In joint custody cases, child support depends largely on the disparity of incomes: the larger the income disparity, the more likely the court will require support.

Act 463 of 2019: Halloween Restrictions for Sex Offenders — What You Need to Know

Act 463 of 2019: Halloween Restrictions for Sex Offenders — What You Need to Know

Halloween is a favorite holiday for many — especially for kids who eagerly anticipate dressing up as their favorite characters and going trick-or-treating. But ensuring the safety of children during this spooky season is a top priority, and laws play a significant role. In 2019, Act 463 (or Senate Bill 10 of Arkansas) introduced Halloween restrictions for registered sex offenders, with the goal of creating a safer environment for everyone. Whether you’re a concerned parent or have been convicted as a sex offender int he past, here’s what you need to know.

Navigating Seasonal Affective Disorder and Parental Alienation

Navigating Seasonal Affective Disorder and Parental Alienation

As the autumn season unfolds with its crisp air and falling leaves, it brings a sense of warmth and nostalgia to many. But for some, this change of seasons heralds the arrival of a distinct challenge: seasonal affective disorder (SAD). If you’re experiencing difficulty this time of year, it can be hard to get through, especially if you already have an unwanted strained relationship with your children.

Unearthing Arkansas’ Most Mysterious Legal Cases

Unearthing Arkansas’ Most Mysterious Legal Cases

As the crisp October winds rustle through the colorful autumn leaves, the eerie spirit of Halloween descends upon the Natural State. Now, we’ll venture into some strange stories and unexpected laws and the legal mysteries that blur the line between the living and the legal.

Halloween and the Law: Your Guide to Local Arkansas Regulations

Halloween and the Law: Your Guide to Local Arkansas Regulations

Halloween is a favorite holiday for many Arkansans with its ghostly decorations, creative costumes, and spooky festivities. But the law still applies even amid the fun and frights. Understanding local Arkansas regulations around Halloween can help you avoid legal pitfalls and ensure a safe and enjoyable celebration. Let’s dive in and explore the legal aspects of Halloween in Arkansas to help you have a worry-free holiday.